04 The Emperor
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★ Tarot Sentence:
Upright: Leadership * rules * with firmness.
Inverted: Power * controls * with suppression.
☆ Special Guidance:
Mundane: An opportunity will arrive that could well be the foundation of a very successful future. This will be a very propitious happening.
Esoteric: If your foundation was built correctly, the manifestation will follow. If not, you will have to rebuild or start over.
Best Course of Action: Accept that which is coming your way and don’t delay.
Outcome: You will achieve most, if not all, of your desires, and someone (perhaps a man) will be very beneficial to you or to that which you seek.
Keywords: law, stability, power, control, dominion, authority, protection, reason, logic, confidence, war, conquest, victory, strife, ambition, leadership, power
Reversed: tyranny, abuse or misuse of power, poor leadership
Archetype: The authoritative protector and provider who rules the civilized world.
Astrological Sign: Aries
Planet: Mars
✬ Hebrew Letter: Heh
Element: Fire
✮ Affirmation:
I have the willpower, discipline and ambition to take the first steps on the path to meet my highest goals.
I am achievement; I have the power to translate my dreams into reality.
I order and structure my life to create a stable base for my activities.
I define limits & establish boundaries for myself/my world to smooth my relationships & protect my inner authority.
I respect my vision; use my reason to prepare a plan, and act in disciplined ways to achieve my ambitions.
I value my accomplishments, honor my success, and use my experience to empower others.
Gem: Ruby
Rune: Tiwaz – Warrior
✮ Tarot Affirmations: For Positive Growth and Change by Sally Hill, Ph.D