Ugh. I caved. I bought a new happy planner. I blame my craft store enabler. 😂
It’s so PRETTY
Here’s my last happy planner. I liked the customizing options but I hated the way my pages got eaten.
The remnants of two planners I cobbled together.
The new planner is 2019 only. So I stole an unused month from the remains of the previous two planners.
I washi-d the top and stickered over the dates.
And worked my way through the rest of December.
In my old happy planner I had art journaled some out of date months so I added those in too.
I’m also experimenting with building my own dividers. 😁
So the bitchy planner has returned to happy planning. Guess I’m a happy bitch planner now. 😂😂😂