Yesterday I got the new planner itch so I headed to Michael’s. I’ve been using a happy planner for about 7 months but I was on the hunt for a wire bound planner. I like opening my planner all the way around. I found a basic bitch planner that has good bones so I’m giving it a shot. It won’t be basic for long since I’m extra AF. 🤣

9 x 11.5 in

Storage Pouch

The ONLY dated pages in this 😱

Important Dates & Contacts. I doubt I’ll use this.

Ooooh. Included VISION BOARD
It includes several pages of stickers. Mostly functional.

Nice little double folder included….

The entire rest of this planner is week on one page blanks. 😱

week on one page!

And here’s the back…

so basic but sturdy cover
I went with the week on one page because I’m tired of having to spread my planner wide all over my damn desk to see my week. This way I can flip the cover back and see my whole week. I’ll post updates when I jazz this bitch up. 🤣